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The house programme cover page for The Odd Couple.


"I got brown sandwiches and green sandwiches. It's either very new cheese or very old meat"

The Context

What is there new to say about The Odd Couple? It was a tremendous success in New York; it was made into a very funny film; it is probably the most popular play of this decade. All this success does not necessarily imply that it is a great play. The most popular play of the turn of the century was Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines closely followed by Getting Gertie's Garter. Neither play has survived on the stage. Nevertheless, another play of the same vintage has survived and that is Charley's Aunt. Why? Perhaps because there is a kernel of truth in Charley's Aunt that the other two plays missed. Quite frankly I do nto know whether or not The Odd Couple has this kernel of truth. It is partly derivative in that it could never have been written unless Beckett had written Waiting for Godot, and it is partly totally original in its use of dialogue. The repartee of The Odd Couple is superb. It is the verbal interchange that the comedy lies. We feel, as a company, that to start the season nothing is better than a modern comedy of this kind. We like it and we hope that you like it.

- From the programme for The Odd Couple (1968-69)

Cast and Creative Team

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