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Theatre for ALL
Theatre has the power to enlighten, entertain, and change the way we see the world.
When the world reopened in the wake of the pandemic, the arts sector who were the first to shut down and the last to reopen, struggled to regain pre-pandemic audience levels. For reasons ranging from personal comfort and economic stress, to change of habits and new competing digital options, audiences across the country, including loyal patrons, have been slow to return to the in-person entertainment industry across North America.
Moreover, as demographics have changed, we need adapt to new tastes. Theatre Calgary is in service to the entirety of the city, and as Calgary’s demographics change, so too must the demographics of the theatre.
Now, more than ever, Theatre Calgary must do something bold to encourage patrons to come back while also developing a new diverse audience of devoted theatregoers. The future of Theatre Calgary hinges on this success.

A strong arts and culture sector is an important piece of the fabric of world class cities. As the board chair for Theatre Calgary, I believe in leading by example. That's why Cara and I agreed to be the lead donor, pledging $3 million to the TC for Everyone campaign.
This campaign will ensure the sustainability of theatre in Calgary, by attracting the next generation, and helping develop a new diverse audience. It will also maintain the excellence on our stage that Theatre Calgary has been known for not only Calgary, but globally. I know from experience how strong Calgary's arts and culture is, and it is because of support of individuals like you.
I would love for you to join us in addressing this challenge. Be part of the solution that will ensure Calgary's arts and culture community remains strong for decades to come.
- Craig Senyk, Board Chair

Our Goal
Our $10 Million goal is currently at $6.6 Million
Reaching the campaign goal of $10 million is just the first step. By the time show programmes are printed for our 2026-27 season, Theatre Calgary will have a diverse patron base that discovered the joy of live theatre, thanks to your support!
To participate:
As a lifelong patron of the arts, you know the value of live theatre to Calgary’s culture and community. With your gracious support at this pivotal moment in Theatre Calgary’s story, we will be able to gain the momentum needed to entertain new audiences for decades to come.
Join the growing list of donors that have made a commitment to Theatre Calgary — ensuring Calgarians continue to be awed by its performances!
Sign-up and become a donor today.
Call 403-294-7447 or email us to discuss further.